Saturday, 22 October 2011

What is Google adsense

Posted by mudah

Most of us always hear about What is Google Adsense? I am newbie here but I will explain a litle bit about google adsense according to what I understand.Enjoy to read it..

Google Adsense Business That is very amazing! .. Can give you an extra $ 0.1, $ 20 to $ 9,999,999 ... even without limits, without much capital or with very large capital, signing up is free is not difficult and it’s very easy, but .. you also can do it..!.

you need more knowledge in this business if you don’t want to only get $ 1 or below $ 90 or give up with this can be happend! It is evident thousands of people are not able to play adsense.

Registration is free indeed, but there are many people that ultimately produce an enormous amount of money that they want get big profit. But it still there have a small risk, and sometimes they did not get anything from it…it just a dream.

Adsense business is real business. Like business in general it can happen in your Adsense business is three possibilities:

  •      extraordinary success of adsense
  •           caused stress and bankruptcy
  •      using adsense as it-alone with no profit target..just to play 

Let us continue.                          

Ok, then I will write how the story could happen so.

We now live in the story, what is adsense, how it works and why we can get money from Google Adsense.

Is Adsense That?

Adsense business is owned company called Google ... Google is a world-class company that is very rich, website, famous of the website where people find things on the internet. Almost all information in the world can you find on Google. The majority of people already know how to find information using here. Therefore, many have started to enter their information to Google in the hope that will meet the people searching. So Google is a search to find websites.

If you want find information on google, just enter the website and type in what you are looking for, all searches are free without having to be paid. As for inserting your own information on Google is a paid, some are free .. sometime we do not enter it, we write down the information on our website then it sign in to Google because Google has robots that go to each website in the world and gather information to be stored on Google's own website.

Google is also used as a website advertising, can be ad free, may also pay for specialized positions more often (without dominate the SEO).

 What is SEO? please read on SEO Search Engine Optimization ... More broadly, we call advertising program as marketing, in this case is marketing through the Internet, and the term is use it as internet marketing.  

Google increasingly rich and great, from their advertising programs because the increasing number of people who hang their ads to Google and pay for the Not have limited to advertisers to advertise their ads.

Google understand the factors for business to wide spread throughout the world with put the advertise in the other people that using the site, time and energy to others. Google does not want to work alone. Google wants, even if one does not visit the website, even regular people can receive information from their website.

Finally, Google made an ad network around the world using the millions of other websites to display information on Google's consumer business advertising (paying customers).

Google generates revenue through customers who pay for their ads referred to as the ADVERTISER, these customers enter their ads to google through a program called Google Adwords.  

person who provides space on its website to display google ads paying customers earlier, referred to as the publisher or PUBLISHER. Publisher of this course to receive payment from Google, as publisher help Google deliver ads they had.

That is the difference between the Advertiser and what is Publisher. That’s mean  the Google program allows us to have a website to work with Google to display their ads is called Google Adsense is very famous now. I hope you becoming clear about google adsense.

  •   Advertiser = paying customers to Google, because they want to advertise their business.
  •   Publisher = paid Google, because Google ads help advertisers.
  •  Google Adwords = to place ads on google.
  •  Google Adsense = to display Google ads.

please continue to read if already understand about the different about it. If you do not understand the different, please read it again. This is very important that you fully understand ..

Let us continue.

How does it work?
To help you better understand who I use google ads above (Publisher) is YOU. While advertisers (Advertiser) is the millions of people in this world. Ok?

you need to sign up to Google to participate in the Google Adsense program if you want to show Google ads on your website. Later you will get  adsense code to be placed on your website.
Having put this code on your website.then the advertise will be automatically ads  match with your website theme. Ads by the advertiser that have been taken earlier (on-load) will appear as an ad on your website. Shaped like I put in this file:

If your website topic of home furniture, the advertising that appears even on furniture. All you need to imagine now that Google ads will be compatible with so-called targeted website content ads (ads that are targeted).

many people put their ads through Google Adwords program. If the website you have installed adsense code then it will show as an example the picture above. Every time a person clicks on Google ads appearing on your website, then you will be paid by Google.

Google will be paid by millions of advertisers whose ads just clicked. For example: When clicked, then the advertiser pays $ 10 for their ads, Google took $ 5 and you get paid $ 5. Google received money, you also will be able to commission. Work together in a mutually profitable advertising business.

I consider you as a player Google Adsense if you are owning the website. Program advertising or marketing, or marketing like this to become a world-class business is huge. It is referred to as the Great Internet Marketing Business because it is done via the internet..

You now understand the concept, that Google Adsense is a great Internet Marketing Business. You also have to understand conceptually why Adsense players can get money, from which the money, why pay and who pays.

By running the Google Adsense program you can earn additional income is very large. By advertising through Google Adwords your ads can be spread throughout the world ..

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