Tuesday, 4 October 2011

People Will Do Business With People They Trust!

Expert Author Wendy Taylor
"All things being equal, people will do business with- and refer business to- those people they know, like and trust."
When approaching the process of networking, it can be tackled in different ways. Those that use networking successfully, to boost their reputation, are those who see networking as a 'giving tool' instead of a 'selling tool'. It is these people that develop the sort after "know you, like you, trust you" relationship.As this relationship is developed, they find their target increasingly anxious to find out more, know, for instance how they can become involved, and even who else they can tell about it. It's realistic to expect this positive response, yet never having to come over aggressively or using hard selling, you will quickly and effectively have develop a virtual "Army of Personal Walking Ambassadors."
Once you do that, your networking has been a success, and your business will take off, you'll have fun, make a lot of money, and serve a lot of people.
Here is just one way to reposition the process and make it a lot more fun, a lot less-stressful, and definitely a lot more profitable.
Whenever you meet someone new and are involved in a one to one conversation, take the focus of yourself and place it on them. Invest 99.9 percent of the conversation allowing them to talk mostly about themselves.
Take a moment to think: Isn't it true that the people we find most interesting are the people who seem most interested in us? Have you ever been involved in a conversation in which the person let you do practically all the talking? Didn't you leave the conversation saying to yourself, "Wow - what a fascinating conversationalist that person was!" You are now going to be that fascinating conversationalist.
How?.... Ask questions.
These are questions designed to put your conversation partner at ease, and begin the rapport-building process. These are not intrusive, invasive, or in any way resembling those of the stereotypical salesperson.
And here are the questions:
Question 1:
"How did you get your start in the 'widget' business?"
Question 2:
"What do you enjoy most about what you do?"
Question 3:
"What separates your company from your competition?"
Question 4:
"What advice would you give someone just starting in the widget (his or her) business."
Question 5:
"What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you couldn't fail?"
Question 6:
"What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through the years?"
Question 7:
"What do you see as the coming trends in the widget business?
Question 8:
"Describe the strangest (or funniest) incident you've ever experienced in your business?
Question 9:
"What ways have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business?"
Question #10:
"What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do business?"
...and the one "Key" Question that will set you apart from everyone else:
Question 11:
"How can I know if someone I'm speaking to would be a good prospect for you?"
Happy connecting!!!
Wendy Taylor is a Sales and Marketing specialist interested in how the internet can help SME's develop more business.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Wendy_Taylor

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